Saturday 6 April 2013

My New Blog!

Well, here it is, my brand spanking new blog. What am I supposed to say in this post? Does it matter, since it's most likely noone will read this? Of course it does! It's my creative outlet, etc etc etc.

Lets start with introductions. I'm Kelly, a Tasmanian girl at heart who has found herself living in Perth. I moved for my boyfriend. Don't judge me. I study Communications at Uni - Advertising and Public Relations. I am honestly facinated by advertising. The very fact that my homework consists of researching print and television ads makes me giggle. Like I said, don't judge me.

I'll set the record straight right now - I am an old woman stuck in a young woman's body. It's true! This post is being drafted at 12:14am on a Sunday morning, whilst my boyfriend is across the room playing video games. "But why aren't you out on the town?" I hear you ask. It's simple - I feel too old to slather my face in layers of makeup, wear shoes that I can only waddle in, and drink sugary, alcoholic drinks till five in the morning. Did I mention I'm only 20? This doesn't sound like a fun night one bit, says me as I take a sip of my cammomile tea.

Now a bit about what you can expect from this blog - not a whole lot. I'm kidding! (I hope). I will first and foremostly be sharing my cooking and baking experiences with you. Now I'll tell you right now that I can't take fancy photos, don't have the time to set up my utensils perfectly for the shot, and cannot promise you recipes that are competely my own. I'm a novice in its truest form. I'll link every recipe I use, show you pictures that you can relate to and give my honest opinion on the recipe. I am learning, and I hope you'll join me on my journey.

Books - this will be a very sporadical topic on this blog. I love reading, and will give you a review and run down of the books I do read - however - I find I hardly have enough time to read my Uni text books, let alone read a book for myself.

Beauty, my favourite topic! I don't buy a lot of new beauty products - hello poor uni student - but I will review products I already have and love, and when I do buy new products, I'll let you know.

Sound good? Good. Hopefully I haven't completely bored you with this post, yes it's long but it's kind of necessary - a foundation for what's to come if you will. For now I must finish my tea and head to bed, some of us have to work on Sunday's.